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for Restaurants

The solutions for the restaurant business have been increasing. Since a restaurant is like a second home, where one can go to relax, enjoy food, a good atmosphere, music, videos, movies or a sporting event. You can go alone, with your partner, your family, friends, etc. There you live experiences that you will remember for the rest of your life. Unforgettable moments, such as proposing to your girlfriend, celebrating her anniversary, the birthday of your parents, friends, or yours. Those moments, you will remember them for the rest of your life.


Therefore, it is important that your restaurant has adequate facilities to receive your guests. Therefore, we present some of the solutions that we consider, they will be of great help to provide the best environment.


Service solutions for Restaurants:


  • Lighting control:It will allow you to create scenes to liven up the atmosphere, or dim the light for a romantic evening. In addition, this control will allow you to reduce energy consumption or use sensors so that the lights turn on only when there is someone in that area.

  • Environmental Audio:Well-distributed sound will allow all areas of your restaurant to listen to music or each area to listen to another type of music or enjoy the excitement of a football game. That even while in the bathroom, they can listen to the game, without losing track of it.

  • Temperature control:Maintaining a good temperature is something you should keep in mind. If any of the diners perceive a very low temperature, they will not want to continue in your establishment. It will also happen if the place is not cool enough. With the temperature control, you can manipulate it easily and quickly. And your happier customers.

  • Access control:There are areas where your guests should not enter. Perhaps an advertisement is enough for them to see or read it and know that it is not an area for clients. But small customers is not the same. Therefore, having access to areas such as the kitchen,   cellar or office, is important if you consider its implementation.

  • Wi-Fi extension:Wi-Fi is a very useful tool, and it is something that your guests are interested in having in your establishment. For this reason, it is very important that it reaches any area (bathroom, service area, tables, parking lot, offices, etc.). There are even tools to send digital advertising and promotions to users who connect to your network, as well as being able to collect contact data to send them advertising.

  • Surveillance system:At the end of the day, you just want to retire to rest and that your establishment is as safe as possible. The technology in security cameras and alarm systems will allow you to be able to retire knowing that you can monitor your business in real time. To do this, you must consider good cameras with high resolution. You can also install motion sensors. When it detects something unusual, it will notify you on your smartphone so that you can request the support of the authorities.


With all this, it is only a matter of you contacting us to go to your establishment and to be able to analyze together, the solution to your needs.

Image by Simon Karemann


  • Environments suitable for diners.

  • Creation of scenes to set the events.

  • Option for diners to play music from their devices.

  • Audio can be controlled by section.

  • Control of the closing or opening of blinds or curtains on windows, or dividing areas for private events.

  • Allow diners to enjoy a pleasant climate, which you can monitor from an app.

Other services

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